Monday, February 7, 2011

Contest Contest CONTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey guys!We have a contest is that 'Valentines photo contest!

Take a picture of yourself having a super romantic and exciting Valentine’s day in  one of these two areas! [Valentine Park] or [World Community Park]

10 photos selected by Thomas and I, will be receiving Happy Valentine Afro and 500 AmebaGold!!!

t’s starting from today until 02/17/2011 (Thursday.) on GMT.
Now, follow the instruction below carefully to join!

Have a Creative, Exciting Pico Life!!!!

Romantic Valentine's Day Photo Contest

 Date: Entry accepted from 02/04/2011 (Fri.) until 02/17/2011 (Thurs.) on GMT

 Prize: 10 winners  selected by Chloe and Thomas will be receiving Happy Valentine Afroand 500 AmebaGold. *Limited Item

 Ways to do it:
  • for facebook Pico users
  1. Make sure you become a fan of Ameba Pico
    visit the link below and  simply click “Like” button while you are logged in to facebook.
  2. Take a photo with Pico camera, save it to your facebook album or your PC.
  3. Post a picture to the Ameba Pico fan page wall with your Pico name!
  • for non facebook Pico users
a. If you don’t play Pico on facebook but you have a facebook, then you can just post the photo on your facebook wall after you saved it to your PC.
  1. Make sure you become a fan of Ameba Pico
    visit the link below and  simply click “Like” button while you are logged in to facebook.
    < >
  2. Take a photo with Pico camera, save it to your facebook album or your PC.
  3. Post a picture to the Ameba Pico fan page wall with your Pico name!
b. If you don’t have a facebook page but have your own blog
  1. If you have a blog, take a photo with Pico camera and save it to your PC.
  2. Post the photo to your blog or homepage with a comment about your Pico life, how you are enjoying Pico.
    *be sure to include your Pico nick name you would like the rewards to be credited to. (do not change your Pico Nickname)
  3. Comment on this blog with a link of your blog page, the page you posted your Pico photo.
    *be sure Thomas or Chloe can post a comment.
  • Must be original; make sure it is YOU in the photo.
  • Please make sure that when more than two Picos enter the same photo, the winner will be picked randomly.
  • Abide by Ameba Pico’s Terms of Service.
  • Must be appropriate for all ages to view.

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